Cairns Esplanade
As we arrived in Cairns, my aunt officially proclaimed that I am the bearer of bad weather. Snow storm in Tokyo and a cloudy weather down under, not cool weather gods! Haha. We had two days to go around but the occasional rains made it a little hard for us to actually go out and have fun in the sun (who's obviously MIA during our trip).

Locals said that a diverse range of sea birds inhabit the mudflats throughout the year. Don't worry if you forgot your binoculars, there's one in the Esplanade Boardwalk.

Speaking of the Esplanade Boardwalk, it is the perfect place for cyclists, joggers and walkers. The city of Cairns offers free wifi along the Esplanade so it was a perfect area to just relax and enjoy the view the sea.

Other than the sea, we also have a view of the Esplanade Lagoon which is a huge infinity pool open to the public.

The Esplanade boasts a lot of different artworks commissioned by the Cairns Regional Council. Here is The Fish by Brian Robinson which was created for the Esplanade redevelopment back in 2003. The Fish is also one of the most popular pieces of public art all over Australia.

Back to the Esplanade Lagoon, wouldn't it be awesome if we have something like this now that DOST-PAGASA officially declared summer in Manila? I wish! Ganda di ba? May sand talaga! Haha.

Trees are here, there and everywhere. I like how their government prioritizes not only the people but also their natural environment. We totally achieved having our moment of zen here, you feel very close to mother nature.

At the end of the Esplanade is the Cairns Yacht Club.

Spotted on the right side is Shangri-la Hotel. This boardwalk will lead you to the Cairns Harbour Cruises.

After all that walk, it was time for late lunch and afternoon snacks. We're on our way to Shield's St. where you can find most of the restaurants in Cairns.

We had no idea where to eat and it just started raining so we had no choice but to try this chic looking restaurant beside the Cairns Regional Gallery, Perrotta's.

Hungry anyone? :)