Remember my trip to Seoul Folk Flea Market last month where we spotted a mountain of fake designer bags?
I purchased a fake Louis Vuitton Neverfull MM bag worth ₩40,000 or roughly ₱1,500 and decided to use it for 2 weeks to try and check if anyone would notice if it's the real thing or not. Surprisingly, no one dared to ask where and how much I got it so I assume that people around me think it's actually authentic.
According to Google search, Korean fake handbags are the best in the world of counterfeit goods. If you are a fan of good quality counterfeit items then this is the place to be.
Notice the wrinkled area on top of the bag or the opening? Definitely fake.
Stitching, hardware and texture of the bag looks original. Very good copy talaga in fairness.
I don't own a Neverfull bag but I think the texts must be embossed or something. This one looks printed.
It's made of genuine leather and inspired by Givenchy's Antigona duffle bag. I have no issues using designer inspired bags as long as they don't have names of the actual brand on it. Ganda naman di ba? :)
According to Google search, Korean fake handbags are the best in the world of counterfeit goods. If you are a fan of good quality counterfeit items then this is the place to be.
Notice the wrinkled area on top of the bag or the opening? Definitely fake.
Stitching, hardware and texture of the bag looks original. Very good copy talaga in fairness.
I don't own a Neverfull bag but I think the texts must be embossed or something. This one looks printed.
Personally, I prefer using original or authentic items to get my money's worth. Plus, you get to earn a little extra if you're thinking of selling them in the future. Some goods do appreciate like Rolex, Chanel, etc. Just last I year my aunt bought me a bag from an online store based in South Korea, read about it here.
It's made of genuine leather and inspired by Givenchy's Antigona duffle bag. I have no issues using designer inspired bags as long as they don't have names of the actual brand on it. Ganda naman di ba? :)
Anyway, as I grow younger older I realized that I'm more into the quality of an item rather than the quantity. So if you're interested to purchase some of my stuff (including the fake bag above! tapos na my experiment, hehe.) then please do check my eBay account. Yes, I also do online selling for extra income. :)
How about you guys? What are your thoughts on using fake bags?
I still believe mine is the real LV
DeleteI know you Manila Paulinian. Hehehe.
Wow! there's a hell lot of bags.
ReplyDeleteIKR?! South Korea is like the new China. LOL
DeleteMy wife had an old bag she loved, but its hardware began falling off. I tried to put the falling hardware back together several times, only to have other parts of the hardware begin to fail. Time for a new one.
ReplyDeleteThere are specialty shops that bring back old vintage bags to life. :) You might wanna check them out. In Manila I go to Vintage Restore.
Deletehi, where did you get the LV replica from?
ReplyDeleteThis is from one of the biggest thrift shops in Seoul. Seoul Folk Flea Market.