Think again! Check out this "heart breaking" news from WorldBulletin.net.
Keep calm people, this news ain't hoax but probably just a little mishandling of information by the anonymous writer of the article. It is true though that Japan added Thailand and Malaysia in their list of countries with visa exemption but (sadly) NOT the Philippines. From the moment I saw that article I knew something was not right. Yes, I had to call the local office of the Japan Embassy to confirm. A bit disappointing at first but come on. It's quite impossible for Japan to give us that privilege knowing that there are still quite a number of undocumented Filipinos living there.

Here's the official statement from the Embassy of Japan in MNL:
Notice to the Public
Recently, false news have been circulating regarding the Japanese Visa for the Filipinos. The news mentioned that Japan has lifted its Visa for the Philippines. The Embassy of Japan in the Philippines would like to clarify to the public that Japan has not lifted the visa exemption for the Philippines contrary to the recent reports. However, Japan has opened multiple-entry Visas to Filipinos. Japan will continue to accept and deliver Visa applications for Japan through accredited agencies.
For details about the Visa application and issuance of multiple-entry Visa please refer to the information at: http://www.ph.emb-japan.go.jp/visiting/ http://www.ph.emb-japan.go.jp/visiting/new visa/multientryvisa.html
Recently, false news have been circulating regarding the Japanese Visa for the Filipinos. The news mentioned that Japan has lifted its Visa for the Philippines. The Embassy of Japan in the Philippines would like to clarify to the public that Japan has not lifted the visa exemption for the Philippines contrary to the recent reports. However, Japan has opened multiple-entry Visas to Filipinos. Japan will continue to accept and deliver Visa applications for Japan through accredited agencies.
For details about the Visa application and issuance of multiple-entry Visa please refer to the information at: http://www.ph.emb-japan.go.jp/visiting/ http://www.ph.emb-japan.go.jp/visiting/new visa/multientryvisa.html
Hey, don't be sad! :) At least we can now apply for multiple entry visas right? Better than none! As for the WorldBulletin, I hope the writer or editor gets fired for publishing that article. Pinaasa niya lang tayo! Lol.