That's us, the happy-that-we-got-lost travelers, waiting for the right train that will take us to Akihabara Station.

And voila! We made it! Momma will definitely be proud. Lost kids no more! Haha.

I cannot believe it! After almost 2 1/2 hours inside train stations, we're here! We're definitely in Akihabara! :) Woot!

But wait, we haven't had our lunch yet so we had no choice but to try Katsuya.

Their pork tonkatsu tastes ohhhh sooo good! I love it!
Right after our meal we went around the area to check out some of the stores and stalls that Akihabara has to offer.
We went inside this electronics store, I forgot if Laox or Sofmap, to check out their items for sale. Like Yodobashi, they have a huge area for mobile phone cases alone! Plus, check out the Nikon Coolpix digital camera! It has got to be the smallest and cutest camera I've ever seen in my entire life. I also adore the Disney mobile phones from Docomo, very colorful! If only I could use it in Manila. :)

We went inside this electronics store, I forgot if Laox or Sofmap, to check out their items for sale. Like Yodobashi, they have a huge area for mobile phone cases alone! Plus, check out the Nikon Coolpix digital camera! It has got to be the smallest and cutest camera I've ever seen in my entire life. I also adore the Disney mobile phones from Docomo, very colorful! If only I could use it in Manila. :)

For those who prefer to get their items at a much lower price compared to bigger malls, then these stalls are for you! These sellers offer wide range of products from electronic parts to home appliances.

Besides being famous for offering the latest in electronics, Akihabara is also the center of Otaku and anime attractions. One of them is Maid Cafes, a cosplay themed restaurant where servers/waitresses wear French maid costumes.

Also spotted hundreds of crane machines. The Japanese take their games and stuff toys very seriously.

Here's Isha trying her luck to bring home this cute toy. I forgot the name of this character, I used to play this way back with my Game Boy. The minimum amount per play costs ¥100 already inclusive of two tries.

We also checked out stores that offer small storage cases/boxes available for rent where independent sellers can resell stuff from their personal collection.

Strike a pose!
Just a little reminder to those who plan to buy their gadgets in Akihabara. Some gadgets for sale are only intended for use in Japan. Please make sure that the item you are buying have manuals in English and offers international warranty. Plus, don't forget to bring your passports 'coz I heard that most stores offer tax free shopping for tourists who plan to buy stuff worth ¥10,000 and above. Happy shopping, Travel Junkies! :)